A big question: when does Europe stop being Europe? From the beginning Europe has had many, many invasions. From before there were even modern (Cro-Magnon) people anthropologists tell us that Neanderthal and even earlier varieties of humans populated southern and central Europe following the vast herds of migrating quadrupeds beneath the glaciers and tundra of a much colder world.
Fast forward to 35,000 BP and Voila! there were people substantially like modern europeans; these Cro-Magnon peoples, like most immigrants, wanted to out-populate the current residents and take their place in the ecosystem.
It took some 15,000 years but they were ultimately successful. This was the stone age. People died quickly. Babies died regularly. Youths died or were crippled. Adults died in childbirth, hunting, homebuilding (evicting giant cave bears), starvation, dominance struggles - Yes! but there were no taxes, computer generated bills, foppish media talking heads, arrogant waiters, or e-mail. Health care consisted of herbs and amputations.
Over the millenia others looked upon the daughters of Europe and found them fair. Peoples from regions far to the south and east wanted lebensraum so with their horses and wagons they made their way through the forests and marshes of a Europa not far removed from the ice age. They were pottery makers, sun worshipers, farmers, warriors, lake dwellers who found a wild and savage continent and made it habitable.
People seek advantage. When Europe, exhausted by the Second World War, needed workers for lower level jobs which were going unfilled Lo! more people from the south and east of the continent left their lives as peasants in a stagnant North Africa, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent, and an area the Dutch used to call the Spice Islands to be guest workers in countries their religion considered full of unbelievers.
From that time to the present it gets more interesting and more troubling. More of these people enter illegally, have no intention of becoming europeans, demand freedom when at the same time their religion and culture refuse to grant it to the female half of their population, or even allow the most basic human rights and freedoms of the charter of the United Nations.
These people now represent over ten percent of some European nations. That is what a European blog is about: news of those people. The name is ISLAM IN EUROPE.
Link to Islam In Europe